Building intelligent

Funktio is a development studio with an exclusive focus on AI-powered applications.

Our services, for companies of all sizes


We work with innovative AI-startups to accelerate their product development and market entry.

From MVP to a long-term strategy, we will help you assess the feasibility of features, build an architecture that scales and define your competitive edge in the noisy landscape of AI-startups.


We emphasize use-case validation and rapid prototyping in our projects. This way we cut through the hype and start delivering business value as fast as possible.

Whether your company is just starting to explore AI-applications or is already more mature, we will help you get to the next level.


We will integrate AI-capabilities seamlessly into your existing software landscape. Prioritizing security, scalability and cost-efficiency, we build for the long-term.

We also love sharing our knowledge, helping you develop in-house capabilities with these cutting-edge technologies.

Johannes Jolkkonen
Founder & Lead Engineer

I started Funktio to bring together builders who share my excitement for the potential of AI. This shared enthusiasm is at the heart of our company, and it's what enables us to constantly be learning and doing cutting-edge work.  

Let's build the future

Giving What We Can

Aside from helping our clients thrive with technology, we strive to build a brighter world for all.

To that end, we donate a minimum of 10% of our profits to highly effective charities, under the guidance of Giving What We Can, Founder's Pledge and Give Well.